Thanks for the mention guys and it's Spelled Sagas but pronounced "icky icky neeb". ;D . . . .
Actually "Say-Gus" or "Sah Gah"
you can pronounce it any way you want.
Sorry to hear bout the cat, grandpa, Dragon's Son, and the job.
SCTV - Man now those folks were Awesome!
"May the good lord take a liken to ya n blow ya up real soon!"
Have you read or listened to what Trafficant said? If Ron Paul keeps up he'll be next. There is a rule that a congressman cannot be held responsible (or some wording like that) for things said on the floor of the house. This is suppose to be in place so the congress critters can voice opinions without fear of reprisal. Guess they can't even follow the rules they make for themselves Eh?
Canada and U.S. a Democracy? Yea Right that might be a step up from where we are.
Fluorite is a natural mineral, Fluoride is a poison, * Note to self: check the ingredients on that box of D-con. *
Color Printers and Pamphlets in China? Get real, that's more likely to happen in North America. China is more open about the violence against the population. They would not likely be so secretive; they would just come out and inform "their citizens" to keep them in line in the first place.
"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a dangerous servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action". - George Washington
Hate is a thought or emotion - Anti Hate Crime Legislation by definition then makes the thought or emotion "illegal". or a "crime" . . . I hate . . . hate . . . Now come arrest me because I have just violated "the Law" and committed a crime openly for all to see!
An agent or representative ostensibly acts by the authority of a principal. Since elections are by secret ballot the agent/representative cannot prove who the principal(s) is/are nor can a principal show he has an agent/representative. - (Paraphrase from Spooner).
I read a book from the local historical society compiled from notes from one of the folks who founded the area I inhabit. One of his notes said, if you can see the smoke from your neighbors fire, you've settled too close. (Due to the curvature of the earth and smoke rising, that could be up-wards of no other human being at a minimum of a 20 mile radius. Back then that would be a round trip of around 20 hours or more just to visit your neighbor and back.
Voluntary society - Take a religious organization for example. Some have very strict rules. You are not forced to join, but if you do then you are expected to agree and follow the rules. If you transgress without ill will or intent, you may be forgiven. If you continue to transgress you will be excommunicated. If this was done by society in general you would truly be on your own. If you don't like the rules of one group go find one who has the same general values you have. This is exactly how churches are and they seem to survive fine; course I think organized religion is just another form of control so don't think I'm encouraging anyone to go join a cult now.
Dragon: Good for you man let the fire burn! If you could go back like Cypher would you really want to?
I would Encourage people to THINK and just start asking QUESTIONS about EVERYTHING!
If someone does the speech thing before they have internalized what we know they may wind up breaking their own will to be free. My Initial post about the second speech was disheartening; however, after I thought about it for a day or so even questioning why I did such a thing, I was stoked. I still catch myself thinking inside the box sometimes, but If I had only been on this journey for a couple of months I might have that "high" of learning new information, be eager in an attempt to apply it, and realize no one wants it and go back in the shell or suck down a bottle of blue pills. The difference here is I have been on this path for long enough, and the fire is burning well enough that a few sprinkles of water won't put it out ant it usually just evaporates.
I want my freedom and that of my fellow beings even more than this fleeting existence. . . . . I have nothing left to loose. (Does that explain Joplin now? I don't know if that's what she meant but hey it sounds good huh?)
Dirt, look forward to the Novel! For shame giving us those juicy tid bits and making us wait in this era of instant gratification.